Tuesday, January 18, 2011


If you've known us for very long, then you know that we very much would like to buy a house. And you may know that we've been trying to buy a house (or various houses) for almost 2 years now. It has been a journey, and we have learned a lot throughout this whole process, including the fact that God's timing is perfect :)

When we first attempted to buy a house, we were determined to make it happen (and quickly). Nothing was going to come between us and a house. Oh how naive we were! Our several attempts at buying a home failed because of one reason or another: the seller's bank took forever and then decided they needed $10,000 more, or our bank wouldn't secure a loan for the house because it was in a partially commercial building, or the house just plain sold to someone else. As hard as we tried to buy a house, God tried harder to stop us. It took a while for us to actually slow down and hear Him saying "not yet".

These days, we are still trying to buy a home, but we go about it very differently. We find a house we like, and then we pray "Lord, if this is the home You want us to live in, if this is Your will, please make it clear". Then, if we put an offer in and it doesn't work out, we say "Praise God for answering our prayer!" Ok, maybe it's not quite like that. There may or may not be a little moping that happens first, but eventually, we are thankful that He is in control because we know whatever He has in store for us is going to be awesome!

So recently, we found a house we like. And we put an offer in. And we prayed. And so far, we have an accepted offer! The home is a short sale, so we still need to get the offer approved by the seller's bank (which could take weeks or even months). But for now, we are rejoicing :)

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